Choosing to encounter emotions and experience them in the body is an act of courage, love, and freedom.
For this reason, I have chosen to dedicate myself to HELPING RELATIONSHIPS, specializing in ENERGETIC TECHNIQUES FOR EMOTIONAL RELEASE.
Re-circulating the energy of frozen emotions is TRANSFORMATIVE, as it promotes the WELL-BEING of the indivisible core: BODY-MIND-SPIRIT.
Along this journey, I love to integrate energetic balance with various forms of ART.
This allows me to create UNIQUE SELF-HELP TOOLS, such as visual digital resources focused on personal development. These include the "Indicator of Archetypal Energies," the deck of "Frozen Emotions" oracle cards, accessories related to crystal therapy, and much more.

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Indicatore Energie Archetipiche; Profilo archetipico; stefania santarcangeloIndicatore Energie Archetipiche; Profilo archetipico; stefania santarcangelo
stefania santarcangelo, reiki, divinazione, riequilibrio energetico, operatore olisticostefania santarcangelo, reiki, divinazione, riequilibrio energetico, operatore olistico
stefania santarcangelo, radioestesia, pendolo, divinazionestefania santarcangelo, radioestesia, pendolo, divinazione
cristallo-terapia accessoricristallo-terapia accessori
risorse scaricabili auto-aiuto, carta emozioni congelaterisorse scaricabili auto-aiuto, carta emozioni congelate