The Archetypal Energy Indicator is a tool for investigating the voices that inhabit our inner landscape. Its purpose is to bring to light imbalances that drain vitality from the body-mind-spirit unity. Once a personal picture of unwanted influences and missing pieces is outlined, it will be possible to intervene and restore inner balance.

To achieve this, it is useful to establish a reference model that applies to all people throughout all times. In this regard, I have chosen to recognize the presence of 12 figures around which specific themes, images, and behavioral patterns gather. I will call these figures "archetypal energies," capable of flowing, becoming trapped, or being absent within the body's energy field.

These energies guide each of us differently and with varying intensities, thus influencing how we perceive and face reality. It often happens that some are inactive, sometimes dominating us negatively and unconsciously, while others remain unexpressed. The result is often a feeling of division, blockage, and inner confusion, with repercussions on physical well-being.

There are many archetypal energies, but to facilitate understanding, I have chosen to embrace the model of the 12 archetypes described in the book “Awakening the Heroes Within” by Carol S. Pearson. They are: the INNOCENT, the ORPHAN, the WARRIOR, the CAREGIVER, the SEEKER, the DESTROYER, the LOVER, the CREATOR, the MAGICIAN, the RULER, the SAGE, and the FOOL.

Since it is possible to experience the archetypes through images, I have created an artistic project of 12 works to convey the understanding of these figures.

The model of Jungian psychologist C. Pearson allows for the experience of archetypes as guides to be encountered along the small and great heroic journeys of life. Skipping stages means remaining internally fragmented, incomplete, and separated from parts of ourselves that are essential for facing dragons, discovering treasures, and transforming our kingdom.

The results will not be automatic but will be generated by me personally after a careful evaluation of your responses. Therefore, once you have submitted the completed questionnaire, you will receive your indicator within a few days via email.

Below is a summary of the content of the Archetypal Energy Indicator:

  • An illustrative chart of the 12 archetypal energies present in your life at the time of the questionnaire. They are listed in descending order of activation. Each one, in turn, shows the percentage of its positive and negative activation.

  • An assessment of the archetypal energies that deserve more attention. In particular, those that are most dominant, some of which may guide you in a harmful way, and those that are weaker or inactive. Descriptions and points for reflection follow.

  • Tools and advice for evoking or transforming the archetypal energies of your interest, such as IMAGES, INTENTIONS, STONES, SPIRIT ANIMALS, COLOR PALETTES, and ENERGY TECHNIQUES.

  • Four PDF files with the list of INTENTIONS related to the archetypes that deserve more attention. Already formatted in A4 size, ready to download and possibly print.

  • Four color palettes related to the archetypal energies that I suggest you evoke or transform. Suitable for use as a background on a standard monitor.

I wish you to explore your Archetypal Energy Indicator by integrating new insights to enrich your life's journey.

stefania santarcangelo_indicatore energie archetipiche
stefania santarcangelo_indicatore energie archetipiche


The Archetypal Energy Indicator is available for purchase on Etsy.
Immediately after purchase, you will receive a document containing a link to access a survey questionnaire.